Survive the Fire Read online

Page 25

  She gasped, and he hurtled into the breach. “But I don’t want you to compromise your goals or independence for me. Don’t want you to rush into anything. I want you to come to me on your terms.” Determination blazed bright as the sunrise, burning away fear and doubt. “If I have to fight for you, I’ll fight. If I have to wait for you, I’ll wait. The only thing I will never do is give up on you. Because I love you, Kate.”

  “Oh!” She covered her face and burst into tears.

  Well, shit. He wrapped an arm around her. “Uh ... not exactly the reaction I was going for.”

  “I’m ... astounded.” She gulped, pulled herself together. “You mentioned karmic payback.” She rested her palm on his chest, and his heart stumbled. “When I came out of the fire, the only thing I wanted was to find you. To know you were okay. I hunted everywhere. Searched every face. I knew then how upset and confused you’d felt when I left and you’d looked for me all that time. Maybe I don’t know how to make a relationship work and honestly, that scares the crap outta me, but I’ll learn. I’ll do whatever it takes to make it work. Whatever you want, whatever you need, I’ll be there for you. And I will always have your back.” She stepped back and gathered both his hands in hers. “Because you were right. Fish really do it for me.”

  He blinked. “You lost me somewhere between ‘you were right’ and ‘fish.’”

  “That first night we were together? It was much more than a one night stand for me too. You awoke so many strong emotions in me that scared me to death. Emotions I tried for two years to—unsuccessfully—sublimate. You made me long for everything I didn’t think I could have. But when you brought Aubrey the goldfish, that’s when I tumbled irrevocably in love with you. I was terrified to acknowledge my feelings then ... but not anymore.” She smiled. “I love you, too, Liam.”

  Joy filled him, surrounded him. A grin burst free. “Come closer and say that.” He tugged her to him.

  She stopped him. “About Murphy ...” The shine dimmed and his grin faded. Happiness came at a steep price. He touched Kate’s soft cheek. A cost he was willing to pay.

  She kissed his fist, where he’d reflexively wrapped the leash around and around his hand and was clinging to it. “I didn’t save your partner’s life just to send him to live with your brother.”

  Whoa! Say what? “You saved Murphy’s life?”

  “When I was trying to find my way out of the casino, I stumbled over him unconscious in the next room. I rolled him onto a tablecloth and dragged him away from the fire.”

  He shook his head, stunned. “As I was disarming the first sequence of explosives, he alerted again. I sent him to search out the secondary bombs. It wrecked me when I heard him fighting the other dog. Killed me when I couldn’t find him, had to leave without him.” Astonished, he looked down at her. “You saved us both.”

  “He also saved me. I got lost, and would’ve burned to death. But he woke up and led me to the kitchen. We sought shelter inside the walk-in refrigerator, huddled together for warmth.” She touched Murphy’s leash. “One dog took away my life ... but another gave it back.” She shook her head. “I don’t want you to send him away. He belongs to both of us now.”

  Elation banished the last dark shadow inside him. “You must’ve had quite an epiphany inside that fridge, Kate.”

  “Only a fool wouldn’t see the parallels. The refrigerator offered temporary respite. But we would’ve eventually died from hypothermia or suffocation. I locked my emotions in the deep freeze, thinking they were safe.” She caught her bottom lip between her teeth. “Instead, they nearly suffocated to death. By not taking risks, I was clinging to a broken illusion of security. Headed for a tragic fall.”

  He dropped the leash onto the chair. “You rebuilt your life from nothing, all alone. You can be proud of what you accomplished.”

  “My accomplishment is an illusion ... just like the photos. I held back, protected my heart. Settled for a stark, flat, black-and-white existence. Sure, I achieved material success, but stayed emotionally stunted.” Earnest brown eyes held his. “If I take chances, I might fail. But trusting you isn’t a risk.” She slid her arms around his waist and rested her cheek on his chest. “The riskiest choice I ever made was playing it safe. And the worst choice is staying stagnant.”

  “Life is a risk.” He held her tight. “Bad stuff happens. But good stuff also happens. And sometimes ...” He tilted her chin up and kissed her nose. “Wonderful surprises happen.”

  “Being with you is the best surprise of all.” She smiled. “My new life, my real life starts here. Now ... with you.” Her smile wavered. “Problem is, I’m not sure I remember how to let go. How to really live.”

  He stroked her tousled hair. “Stick with me, babe, we’re gonna have a blast.” She swayed, and he caught her shoulders. “It’s been a helluva day.” He led her to the sofa. “Sit.”

  “Arf.” She chuckled. “Are you aware that you frequently slip into dog commands?”

  He laughed. “I’ll watch that.” He grabbed the room service menu. He wanted her more with every heartbeat, but she was wiped. He tamped down desire. He’d waited years to claim her ... what was one more day? “You need food. What’ll it be?”

  “The biggest hot-fudge sundae they have, with extra whipped cream and sprinkles.” When he cocked his head, she shrugged. “Life races by fast. Enjoy dessert first.”

  He shot her a wicked grin. “Best idea I’ve heard all year.”

  She smoothed her singed, rumpled dress. “I’d like to grab a shower while you phone room service.”

  “Go for it. There’s an extra hotel robe in the closet. Do you want the bathroom with the luxury jetted shower, or the whirlpool tub?”

  “Shower. I might fall asleep in the tub and drown.”

  He waggled his eyebrows at her. “No worries. I’m proficient in mouth-to-mouth.”

  She rose and her lovely mouth curled in a slow grin that made his stomach swoop. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  Chapter 17

  9:00 a.m.

  Naked, Liam opened the glass door and stepped inside the huge, steamy shower enclosure. Kate had turned on all the showerheads in the ceiling and walls, including the massive rain shower overhead. Facing away from him in the soft golden light, her skin gleamed like wet alabaster. “Hey,” he said quietly. “Mind if I join you?”

  “The more the merrier.” She turned around, not at all shy about exposing her body. Instead, she broke his heart by angling her right arm behind her.

  “Sweetheart, I’ve seen—and touched—your arm and hand all day.”

  “Yes, but ...” She swallowed. “It’s different here. I don’t want you to be turned off.”

  “Babe.” He grinned. “Maybe you need to visit an optometrist?”

  Her glance drifted down his body. Snagged just below his waist. Blink. Blink. “Um. At the risk of inflating your already hugely inflated ego—so to speak—zounds!”

  Laughing, he tugged her close. “Room service is swamped with breakfast orders. It’s gonna take thirty to forty minutes, so I came to wash your back.”

  Her luscious mouth quirked. “Aren’t you helpful?”

  “Service with a smile.” He reached for the shampoo. “You can tip me later.” Grinning, he motioned. “Turn around.”

  He massaged shampoo into her scalp. Lather foamed and a soft fresh scent mingled with the steam. He looked at the bottle he’d returned to a built-in marble shelf to see what she’d chosen from the basket on the counter. Spearmint and chamomile. Smelled good enough to eat.

  And he wanted to devour her.

  “That feels wonderful.” Her taut muscles went lax beneath his fingertips. “It tingles.”

  Standing inches from her naked back with his fingers buried in her silky wet hair, he was getting more than a few tingles himself. He shifted her beneath a stream of water. She tipped her head back and he combed his fingers through the soapy strands until they were rinsed.

  He soaked a washclo
th and added shower gel. After scooping aside her hair, he gently massaged her shoulders, then down her spine.

  She breathed a contented sigh. “You have beautifully talented hands, Liam.”

  You ain’t seen nothin’ yet. “So do you.”

  “Mine’s ugly,” she whispered. “I’m not the ‘perfect’ woman you looked at and made love to before.”

  He dropped the washcloth on a shelf and turned her to face him. He took her crippled hand in his. “Your hands have helped me all day. They saved me. Saved my best friend. What makes you special and beautiful and talented isn’t here.” He kissed her scarred knuckles. “Or here.” As he kissed the scarred path up her arm, her breath caught and she quivered.

  “Your beauty and worth are inside you. Here.” He kissed her forehead. “And here.” He settled his fingertips over her heart, where it galloped beneath his touch. “You are perfect ... perfect for me.”

  Awed, Kate stared at her hand, clasped tenderly in Liam’s. She’d been looking with narrowed perspective, had seen only distorted, weak muscles and jagged scars. His gentle words and tender kisses opened her vision to a wide-angle view. The complete picture finally snapped into full frame.

  Her hand did not define who she was. Her potential wasn’t restricted to her limited grasp.

  Anything she could dream, she could achieve.

  Her heart soared. He’d given her the most precious gift of all. He’d shattered the ice and freed her spirit from its frozen dungeon. And she wanted to give back.

  She deliberately poured shampoo into her bad hand, then stroked it through his thick hair. Delight fired in his irises. He smiled tenderly, understanding the significance ... as she’d known he would. “Hello, Just Kate.” His voice was husky. “Do you know what your touch does to me?”

  Like she could fail to notice the way his erection leapt whenever she touched him. Grinning, she drizzled fragrant bath gel on his sculpted pecs. “I’m getting a great big hint.”

  A chuckle rumbled in his chest as tanned, slick muscles bunched beneath her soapy fingers. With her index finger, she wrote her name in the layer of suds over his heart.

  He glanced down and laughed. “Can’t return me now.”

  “I’m keeping you, Lucky Charmer.” She sleeked her palms over his nipples, and he inhaled sharply. Avoiding the sword scratch, her fingers glided down his ribs and washboard abs to his flat stomach. “This is fun.”

  “Fun.” He groaned. “Or torture.”

  “Nope.” She leaned into him and undulated her soap-slicked body against his. “This is torture.”

  “Gah!” He sounded strangled. “I had to fall for a creative type.”

  Her giggle turned into a moan as he backed her into the wall. He slid his full length up and down her, all foam-sleeked skin and hard male muscle. The crisp hairs on his chest abraded her nipples and as he moved up again, the huge ridge of his arousal teased her center. He kissed her, his clever tongue enticing hers to play. He touched and stroked her all over. The scented bubbles spread tingly friction everywhere naked, wet skin glided over naked, wet skin.

  Suddenly, he went still. He broke the kiss and his sandpapered cheek brushed hers. “We’ve run a marathon to Hell and back. If you’re not up for this ...” His husky whisper feathered into her ear. “Tell me. I can wait.”

  “Sooo up for it. Totally done waiting.”

  Liam planted both hands on the wall on either side of her head and pushed away from her. Smoldering green eyes lit her up inside. “Ready to relearn to let go?”

  She smiled. “Ready to gamble it all and go for broke.”

  Grinning, he adjusted the showerhead, making water pour over them, sluicing the suds from their bodies. He bent and tugged her nipple into his mouth. Desire curled around her, through her. Her nipple puckered beneath his silken strokes as pleasure pooled heavy and hot in her lower belly.

  He turned his formidable focus to her breasts, alternating mouth and hands until she was squirming between his hard body and the wall.

  His hands stroked her back while his talented mouth cruised her ribs, kissing and tasting every inch. His fingertips danced over her, every nerve ending sizzling alive. He courted and seduced and loved her until she was drunk with desire.

  He went to his knees. His fingers kneaded her bottom as he nibbled her stomach, kissed her butterfly tattoo. Warm water poured over her, and liquid heat pooled inside her. His tongue dipped into her navel. “Do something for me.” His black velvet murmur caressed her stomach.

  Adrift in hazy passion, she panted for breath. “Anything.”

  His broad shoulders eased her legs wide apart and he licked the water droplets trailing down her thighs. Her heart somersaulted. Wings fluttered in her belly. She trembled with need, with longing. His big hands slid to her hips, held her in place, supported her. His heated breath brushed her center, and her body tightened in shivery anticipation.

  “Fall for me, Kate.”

  His mouth captured her in a searing, intimate kiss. His velvet tongue swirled over her sensitized clit, then delved inside.

  Her inner muscles clenched at the sharp erotic pleasure. Beneath the delicious onslaught of his mouth, she couldn’t think. Couldn’t breathe.

  Didn’t care.

  She tangled her fingers in his hair, clung to him.

  His tongue teased and stroked, weaving dark magic and building sweet promises. Tension built higher. Desire coiled tighter. Aching need grew unbearable.

  Her eyes winched closed. Her head tossed back and forth. Completion shimmered at the edges of her consciousness. She jerked in a shuddering breath ... and let herself tumble into space.

  Liam’s finger slid deep inside her. The slow glide hurtled heat into a burning flood. Passion burst free of her restraints. His swirling tongue pushed her over the edge of sanity. The universe exploded. Melted in a brilliant pool of colors. Wave after wave of achingly sweet release rocked through her, and she sobbed out her pleasure.

  A long time later, when she could hear and feel and think again, she opened her eyes. Liam was on his feet, holding her. His strong arms supported her boneless body, his cheek pressed to hers. He pulled away and grinned at her. “Welcome back.”

  Overjoyed, she grinned back at him. “Losing my mind never felt so good.”

  Laughing, he kissed the tip of her nose. “I’m devoted to driving you crazy.”

  “You excel at it.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. Though her body sang with pleasure, her heart needed more. “Make love to me, Liam,” she whispered shakily. “I want all of you. Now.”

  He ground his teeth. Sighed. “No protection, babe.”

  “Right.” She slapped her forehead. “Mind. Gone.”

  His wicked grin flashed. “I love you anyway.”

  His naughty grin made her stomach swoop. “In that case ...” Her fingers closed around his thick shaft. Huge and hot and pulsing with need. “Let’s ad lib.”

  She went to her knees in front of him and took him in her mouth.

  A tremor shook his big body, and a giddy rush of feminine power glittered through her veins, more intoxicating than the best champagne. She licked and sucked and stroked, loving the way she could make her warrior tremble and quake. Loving his taste. His scent. Loving him.

  He groaned, panting raggedly. “Been. Too. Long ...” Shaking fingers dove into her hair, tried to tug her away. “Gonna. Come.”

  “Mmm hmm,” she acknowledged. Swirling her tongue faster, she took him as deeply as she could.

  “Kate!” Her name was a primal growl. His head thunked the tile as his body jerked hard, then shuddered and shuddered ... and she gloried in giving him the ultimate pleasure.

  Then he slid down the wall and sat on the shower floor, eyelids closed.

  She leaned into him, curling against his chest. “You okay?”

  He stroked her back. “Mind. Blown.”

  She laughed.

  A thundering knock rattled the front door. “Ah hell, room service,”
he said. “With way better timing than the Detroit Lions.”

  “Can you get up?”

  He kissed her, his smile brimming with carnal mischief. Uttered a dirty laugh. “Already, wench? Give me ten minutes, and oh yeah.”

  While she was still laughing, he staggered out of the shower. Slinging a burgundy towel around his lean hips, he walked out.

  Kate snatched a few minutes to blow-dry her hair before donning the plush white hotel robe. Then she hurried into the bedroom.

  Wearing the towel, Liam lounged on the cream jacquard bedspread. A cart was parked beside the bed, with a giant trifle dish containing a decadent chocolate fudge sundae that’d feed six. Snowy mounds of whipped cream, sprinkles, and chocolate-covered cherries topped the confection. The rich scent of coffee wafted from a silver pot sitting beside a dewy bottle of Dom Perignon on ice. Her stomach rumbled. Loudly.

  Liam chuckled. “Maybe twenty minutes?”

  She rushed the cart. “We’ll eat fast.”

  “Some things are better when savored.”

  She couldn’t wait to savor him again. “Liam, can I ask you something?”


  “Uh, in the shower, you’d said it’d been too long for you.”

  “Right before I set a land speed record for coming?” He snorted. “Yeah. It’s been over two years.”

  She gasped. “You haven’t been with anyone since the night we met?”

  “I dated for a short time in the vain hope I could forget you. As if. But no sex. None of them were you, Kate.”